Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Wide Lawns and Narrow Minds

Here's the blog where I picked up "wishing you a light in the darkness." I check on this chick daily, because she's funny, appears to handle the craziness of life with aplomb and even when she keeps me hanging for a few days, I keep coming back, waiting for an update.



Anonymous said...

She a cat person, I'm a dog person it would never work out.

Anonymous said...

Cat are so damn pompous and uppity. If they didn't bury their turds they would have zero positive qualities!

Nora said...

Well, I don't care for animals at all, but if I let that get in my way Jude would be the only person I ever talked to...which might not be so bad, after some thought.

Mike, you are funny.

Wide Lawns said...

Umm. I like dogs a lot too. It could work out. Really. Give it a chance. I didn't even want this cat. I just found it in a parking lot and it stuck. Also, we're not allowed to have dogs in my apartment building so we can only have cats.

Jude said...

Nora....don't give it a chance...remember the MR. Meatballs fiasco!!!!!

Nora said...

Ah, yes. Mister Meatballs. I think I wrote something about him. I'll see if I can dig it up and post it for you guys.

Hi, Wide Lawns! Welcome to SWC. I've been known to pick up the occasional stray, but they're usually people. Heh heh.