Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wishing You Light in the Darkness

It's the holiday season and up here in the Northern hemisphere, that means long dark days. One of my favorite bloggers at Wide Lawns, Narrow Minds (link forthcoming when I'm not on my phone) figured wishing people light in the darkness was a universal way to offer everyone good thoughts during the holidays. I concur. I wish you all light in the darkness and a happy new year.

Despite waking up with a craptastic head cold and sore throat and Baby having the pinkeye, we still managed to have our customary Christmas Eve party. It was mellow, vodka killed my pains and we all had a nice time. The love my family and friends give me is, as always, the light in the dark.

Love to you all! Enjoy your holidays, and remember--if it hurts, have some vodka.


Anonymous said...

What happens if you don't see darkness in such a negative light? (no pun intended) I, for one, appreciate the dark for all that it brings. In the absence of light, I sleep, I canoodle, I glisten.

Nora said...

It's more of a metaphor, I think. But canoodle and glisten away, pally.

Anonymous said...

WTF is canoodling? Is that Texan for Masterbating?

Nora said...

Canoodling, River, is smooching around with a paramour.

Anonymous said...

The only Paramour Mike has is the guy in his mirror. :P