Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Say I Want a Revolution

We all know that Big Brother is watching. Satellites circle the globe, photographing everything going on. Surely those high-powered cameras capture mundane and useless human activities in addition to the important security and reconnaissance detail. So, I encourage each and every one of you to frequently flip off the sky while going about your day to day activities. The chances are good that some satellite at some point will capture the moment and record it for posterity. Be sure to pinpoint your locations so you can Google Earth the coordinates, and maybe someday you will find a picture of yourself squinting at the sky giving Big Brother the big Fuck You.

Who's with me?

This is just the beginning, people. As our forces reach critical mass, we will begin to disseminate our message in a multi-media campaign. We will demonstrate our rebellion against those satellites documenting not-so-surreptitious nose-picking, ass-ogling, wedgie-removing and jiggling of the nuts. Viva la resistance.


Anonymous said...

I for one welcome our new computer overlords...thinking for myself is such a chore, and is overrated.

Jude said...

Don't forget your cell phone & IP chatting....all available for those who want to hear you.Land lines are a little safer,but not by much.Soon,we'll all be doing ASL under the tables!!!And I have a reservation at Isabellas......

Nora said...

Yeah. I think it's safe to say I have no future in politics.

When is the rez for, Mommy? Can I come, too?

Anonymous said...

While I'm not totally sold on living under oppressive computer overlords, I'll try and make lemonade out of the whole situation. As long as they aren't putting my sexcapades on the internets, then I don't have a problem with a little camera voyeurism.

Nora said...

Ah. That should be the secon prong of the attack--outdoor doinking. With masks on, of course. That should send a message.

Ratherto said...

I started flipping off the sky years ago. Of course this was before all the big brother satellites. I was just flipping off God. I never thought it would take off this way.

Anonymous said...

@mike don't you have to have sexapades to have it filmed?

@nora - Isn't your butt plastered all over the internet with a diaper on..enough is enough.

@Rather - I direct my fury at that hateful yellow ball of fire that raises itself every morning. F*** you SUN!!!

Anonymous said...


Nora said...

That's right, Mike. A diaper. I'm just giving the people what they want, Rivs, and that's me in an adult diaper. You wouldn't believe how much those fetishists pay for stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

Oh I can believe, you forget I'm a computer nerd. Deviant sex porn sites always make good money. Less competition.

So anytime you and your girlfriends want to make extra cash, I'll splurge for the depends, and the web domains.


Anonymous said...

Wait a sec, you people are running around in adult diapers so sickos can get their rocks off and you want me to be afraid of someone else?

Anonymous said...

In no way to I engage in deviant behavior...i just encourage it.

Tell you the truth Mike, I think it has to do with a certain area Nora and friends grew up in. Peotone it's rather boring, so I think they all go around wearing depends out there. It's not vaildated, but I'm pretty sure it's true...I've seen pictures.

Nora said...

To set the record straight, I wore them for charity. And I was the ONLY competitor who donned the diaper.

Diaperhos.com. Love it.