Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Press Checks with Slippy and Roy G. Biv

I'm actually working right now, but just to let you all know that even with a job, I still managed to squeeze in a fabulous field trip last week. I got a peek into the wonderful world of printing presses. Slippy's homeboy, Roy, was kind enough to answer my many questions, urging him to observe, "She talks a lot, doesn't she?"

After I get done proofing this here document for Slippy the Bosslady, I will regale you all with the story of how I got to go on "press checks" which is sometimes an arduous process ... and other times just means getting paid to enjoy a field trip, free lunch and a few beers on company time.

Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

When is the Take Nora to Work Day going to be hosted by the River?

Anonymous said...

My job is quite boring.

Nora said...

Nothing is boring when I'm around, River. I'm available MWF!

Anonymous said...

I don't know, I would have to check with the powers that be. Even though I am the lone IT person out here, and call alot of the shots. I always cover my own arse.

Anonymous said...

Make it happen. Do it, do it.