Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day

It's the beginning of the holiday season, readers. Thanksgiving is a great time for me, because I get to eat two dinners. This year I got smart: I busted out a pair of maternity pants from storage for my big day of eating. So, the first thing I am thankful for is maternity pants.

I'm thankful for my family. Junior and Junior Junior are awesome, Juderonomy and my dad, my sister and her family are the best. My whole crazy extended family--we're a bunch of loveable lunatics ... hell, I even love my in-laws a whole lot. That's something to be grateful for!

Something else I'm thankful for is all of you regular readers. To know me is to know I would happily babble to myself ad nauseum (and often do), but it's far more fun to babble to you all. Thank you for reading, for commenting and for making SWC so much fun. I appreciate you all very much.

Then there's my friends. Although most of my most long-term beloved friends don't even READ this freaking thing, most of you who do are people I was lucky enough to reconnect with after much time had passed. Slippy, Ratherto, Luke Baggins, River, Team Oma and Horny Will, Jenn, thank you guys for being my good, wonderful friends. I'm so glad we've been making up for lost time. You are quality people and I love you very much!

Speaking of Slippy, thank you so much for hooking me up with such a fun, awesome job. I am so happy and excited to wake up every Tuesday and Thursday, to go to work, to do my best and to get propositioned to be full time and to teach you all to flip off the sky in case the Google Earth sattelites are overhead. I get to go to lunch with you and go on special field trips. I am so stinkin' lucky. You hooked me up with a great opportunity and I'm so thankful.

I would also like to thank Food Porn for giving me a reason to keep going. If it weren't for Food Porn, I might just lose my mind to my Paranora delusions. Is it weird to thank food for being in my life? Because I truly do have a passionate love affair, as you all know. And today I shall celebrate that love. Twice. Maybe even three times...

Peace to you, SWC readers. I hope you have a gluttonous and grateful day. I invite you all to share with us what you're thankful for on this Thanksgiving. Don't be shy. Unbuckle your belt, pop that top button and let us know why you're grateful to be alive.


Ratherto said...

Gooble Goooble Nora - Love you too!

Patrick Smith said...

Google Google. I mean Gobble Gobble too. Sorry I didn't see you this Thanksgiving but reading your blog entry was as heartwarming as eating your mothers sage infused dressing.

See you soon.

Jude said...

Patrick,I can save you some Sage has the half life of Radium....which actually is 1620years.....see, no refrigeration needed!!!Just let me know!!!!
P.S. We always miss you at whatever Holiday it is...........

Slippy said...

Oh, Nora! You have no clue how lucky I am that you are in my life and I mean that on days that I am not even suppose to be thankful for anything.

And, sage dressing. I never get sage dressing and I love it.

Anonymous said...

Snora, I'm thankful for real people and good friends, like you! I'm also thankful that my turkey turned out moist and delicious this year. I actually ate it this time. Peace! Jenn