Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Food Porn, Where Have Ye Gone?

As a special favor to reader Mrs. B, I will be planning a food porn extravaganza for your reading pleasure. No, dear Mrs. B, I am not going to porn it up right now, because the Chinese buffet I had for lunch is making me feel dirty but not in a good way. Instead of being hungry twenty minutes later, I am still stuffed eight hours later. What is up with that?

But this weekend promises gustatory hedonism. And I will bring the noise, Mrs. B. Just you wait.


Jude said...

Does hedonism begin Thursday??? It really is mundane gustanism at the homestead....but we like it!!!SAGE RULES!!!!!

Nora said...

Sage will feature prominently in my writings, mama!

Jenn said...

Oh, yipppppeeee!! I am so happy...perhaps we shall make some food porn together sometime soon???

Jenn said...

as a side note...the last word verification i just did for that last comments was "graveybj" LMFAO!!! talk about your FOOD PORN!!! ahahahahahah!

Anonymous said...

Will there be any food foreplay with this food porn? Perhaps a cheesy (pun intended!) storyline?

Anonymous said...

My god Chinese Buffets are like Gangbangs of the Food World.

Turkey Day is upon us, and in Food Porn the best day of the year!!!

I'm going to bathe myself in Mashed Taters, and Giblet Gravy.

It rubs the butter on the roll, or it gets the sauce again!

Nora said...

Listen, Jenn, I have a concept in mind. How about we cook one night together and tape it. We can post it on SWC. Imagine the possibilities. We can make it like Nigella Lawson X 2 = the square root of wine. It will be hilarious. And of course we will have to design a dish called Gravy BJ.

Let's take it to the next level. And of COURSE it will feature a cheesy story line. I see it now: I can apply all of my obsession with food, puns, satire and showmanship with a reunion with my old school friend, Jenn B!

Jenn said...

I think that is an ingenious idea! Although, I do get a little camera shy, I am sure with enough liquid courage, I could RISE to the occasion...lol! Now, what would Gravy BJ be...
I think we should do it!! You have all the big words and I have...well, a big kitchen?? :D

Nora said...

River, I was like the Annabelle Chong of that Chinese buffet.