Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Meet Bubbles

Well, I went tubing last weekend. It was badass. I think we went from the Southern part of Hutchinson to about five miles south of town. Maybe a little further. It was around six hours of being in the mighty ArKANsas river.

Unfortunately, I forgot that I'm tragically fair-skinned. Despite repeated applications of SPF 60, "waterproof" sunscreen, my knees and shins were devastated by the sun. Consiquently, I developed my new friend, Bubbles.

Warning!!! The photos below are pretty fucking sick!

That's nasty shit.


Nora said...

Dude. You made me throw up on my keyboard. I think you need to go to the nearest burn unit.

Anonymous said...

Damn bubbles should be paying rent, that thing is HUGE!

Slippy said...

I know your pain.I blister and then blister over the blisters. I swear I am have albino.

Mitchell said...

It's pretty sick. I guess I should have made the picture a little smaller for you folks.

I'm trying to keep it drained, clean and dry. That's proven to be fun so far.

I can't think of another time that something on my own body has made me so sick to my stomach.

Jude said...

Mitchell,was it the AkrKANsas that did that to you?? We were looking at property there to buy,BUT...I think we'll pass

Mitchell said...

Jude, it was the sun that did this to me.

I would never lay blame on the mighty arKANsas

Ratherto said...

I just threw up in my mouth

Mitchell said...

Better than throwing up in someone else's mouth, Ratherto.

n'est pas?

Nora said...

Mitchell! You son of a bitch. I was seriously going to go in there and tell Rath that I had actually thrown up in his mouth.

You joke stealer.

Slippy said...

Not funny until you actually have someone's vomit in your mouth...Not so funny then! I am having terrible flashbacks. Thanks guys!